The crucial role of practical work and experimentation in science curriculum is universally accepted. This is more so in chemistry which is an experimental science. Most of the concepts in this area are better understood by doing the practical work. The aims and objectives of practical work in the laboratory can be stated as follows:
1. better understanding of scientific concepts and principles.
2. promotion of basic skills and competencies (procedural and manipulative skills, observational skills, drawing skills, reporting and interpretation skills).
3. awakening and maintaining curiosity in the learning environment.
The laboratory work is an indispensable part of chemistry instruction. Despite several laudable efforts in the past, experiments, by and large, have continued to be marginalised in school education, and have not received the due importance. There are several factors which contribute towards neglect of the laboratory work. In general, there is a crunch of financial resources for constructing a separate conventional chemistry laboratory. Increasing cost of chemicals, handling a large number of students, no time to maintain equipment and accessories, no money to replace the breakages, problems in disposal of waste, handling of toxic chemicals, working in shifts are other major contributing factors. In order to overcome the above problems, the desired modifications may be
• change in facilities.
• modifications in laboratory programmes.
• optimisation in the use of resources.
• adaptation of cost-effective, safe and efficient techniques.
• a move towards “green chemistry
Alternative ideas to replace the conventional laboratory while meeting the objectives of practical work are being thought of. Recent developments include microscale chemistry experiments using small quantity of chemicals and simple equipment. The concept was first introduced by D.W.Mayo, S.S.Butcher et. al. at Bowdoin College in Brunswick about 30 years ago. In India, this technique has been developed and introduced in the school system by Prof. H.O. Gupta, NCERT with some innovative laboratory apparatus known as microscale chemistry laboratory kit.
What is Microscale Chemistry Laboratory Kit?
This microscale chemistry laboratory kit enables the students to perform experiments in an environmentally safe pollution free atmosphere using small quantities of chemicals without compromising the quality and standard of experiments. Apart from the above, we have designed and developed a concept of microscale laboratory where the students need not wander around in search of
reagents. The experiments can be performed quickly. They are thus, pollution and hazard free. Conventional laboratory racks and bottles are replaced by a small box containing all the small labwares and apparatus. On the top of the box are revolving circular racks to hold plastic dispenser bottles which dispense one drop of liquid at a time. In short, this method can be called Student, Environment, Administrator, and Teacher (SEAT) friendly
Environment Friendly
This kit
• Reduces use of chemicals promoting waste reduction at the source.
• Offers vastly improved laboratory safely by better laboratory air
quality through reduction in:
– exposure to toxic chemicals
– fire and explosion hazards
– spills and accidents
• Provides clean and congenial environment
Administrator Friendly
• It sharply reduces laboratory cost.
• It lowers glass breakage cost.
• It saves storage space.
Teacher Friendly
• It promotes better student-discipline in the laboratory.
• It is pedagogically superior. Teachers can ask the students to do
more experiments during the saved time to help in better
conceptual understanding
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